Tuesday, May 10, 2011

''Bathing'' in Beatlemania

Roman Baths
A view of the city from the rooftop pool
Rooftop Thermal Bath
First things first...if you ever want to visit England, GO TO BATH. What a wonderful city that was. It is an 18th century town, so all the buildings are pretty much as they were back then, it feels as if you are walking in a different time period and I loved that. It was the first time I was really all by myself, which was quite unnerving. I was only planning on going to Bath for the day and then taking a night train to somewhere else, which led me to realize that I did not know where I would go, nor where I would stay. To top it off, I had my first ''lost camera'' scare when I left my camera in the bathroom at the Roman Baths. I am so grateful to the kind person who turned it in for me, because I was thinking ''of course I would lose my camera less than a week into my trip. AWESOME.'' So after the camera scare and feeling lonely for the first time, I found myself in an internet cafe searching frantically online for lodging information and train time tables and was becoming more and more confused and stressed. I was definitely correct in thinking I had been spoiled with spending time with Dan and Kirsty at the start of my trip. 

This whole being alone thing was freaking me out, and I did not like it one bit. I was rapidly descending into negativity...a little of my inner monologue: ''I don't know anyone here...I really am all by myself...I have nowhere to stay...I'm only 3 days in and I'm already stuck I may as well just go home now.'' Forgive me for the melodrama, but seriously folks, I was in a bad way. I guess after staying somewhere for free, I was having trouble justifying having to pay for lodging! But then it hit me - ''I have money! I can stay in a 5 star hotel if I want! I'm not stranded at all.'' And slowly I came out of my funk. No 5 star hotel for me, but the owner of the internet cafe, Mburu (Boar-O) was kind enough to give me the contact information for a hostel close by and also invite me to a pub next to the hostel where a British Rock band was playing. I met up with him and some of his friends and we ended up having a great time! They were friendly and welcoming. Bars close around midnight in England, so I was pretty horrified when the band quit after 6 songs. I thought it was the end of their first set! The locals had a nice laugh at me over that one! Mburu's friend Tony also took me for a coffee and a stroll through Bath the following day before I left. Tony is from Belfast, Ireland (best accent award!)...he and his girlfriend have had a flat in Bath for several years. I enjoyed hearing about growing up in Ireland - he definitely made me regret that I am not going to be seeing Ireland this trip :-( ...major sadface on that one. 

Other highlights of Bath: Romans Baths (duh!), Swimming in a rooftop thermal bath (pool) heated by England's only natural hot spring, aromatherapy steam pods at the Bath Spa (cost 2 days of budget for these two things, but really when will I ever get to do that again!?), and of course my first taste of local music...with great company!

Gotta say I am feeling pretty proud of myself for making it through my first mini-meltdown without calling home for a good cry and a pep talk. That's pretty huge, I think.

Tony, Me, Mburu
 Stopped in Bristol for a good night's rest with a friend of a friend...I was starting to feel a cold coming on and wanted to try and get a hold of it before it got worse. Would have loved to see more of Bristol, but was actually very happy and relieved to have a quiet night watching tv and chatting.

Oh Liverpool, how I loooooooove you! You may think I sold myself short in Liverpool, but my priorities there were very clear: THE BEATLES. I spent two days basking in Beatlemania: The Beatles Story Museum, Magical Mystery Bus Tour, and finished up with a night at the famous Cavern Club where The Beatles used to play, complete with an acoustic duo who played 4 hours of Beatles covers. Can you say HEAVEN? :-) To top it all off, I was able to meet up with my long lost friend, Paul, and his father who were in town for some Manchester United games. I hadn't seen him in 4 or 5 years, so it was pretty amazing to catch up under such unusual circumstances! I am quickly realizing how incredible it is to be surrounded by people you know and love!

''Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes'' 

Strawberry Fields Forever
Paul and I at The Cavern Club
After Liverpool, I headed up to Inverness, Scotland, which is where I am writing from. But those stories are for another time ;-)
I leave you with a Quote from John Lennon, and a video from Flipron. Enjoy!

''If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the sixties, that's his problem. Love and peace are eternal.'' --John Lennon



  1. So Jealous! Enjoyed talking with you earlier today. I am so happy that things are great and ur feeling a little better!

    It's really neat that ur hanging at night with folks in the hostel!! Kewel that ur meeting such kewel peeps!! I love you dearly!!!!!!
